Estimation: Women contribute by 41-43% to Romania’s GDP

Women have a contribution of 41-43% to Romania’s GDP, as they retire earlier, according to an analysis of the National Prognosis Committee (CNP).
The women have a lower contribution to the GDP also due to their low share in industry, agriculture, and constructions, according to CNP.
Women have a share of over 60% in financial intermediation and insurance, public administration, education, health, and cultural activities. However, the contribution of these sectors to the GDP amounts to only 16%.
Industry, for example, has a contribution of 25% to the GDP, but the women’s share in the industrial sector is only 39.3%. In the construction sector, they represent only 7.9% of the workforce.
However, this analysis only focuses on the GDP inputs, without taking into consideration the GDP use. Domestic consumption is currently one of the biggest GDP growth drivers.
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