Three out of four women in Romania believe their work is underappreciated

Three-quarters of the women polled by BestJobs recruiting online service said that they encountered, at least once throughout their careers, situations when male colleagues were more appreciated by their bosses, despite being at the same level or even lower than women.
Also, one in two respondents think that a woman has to work more than a man in a similar position to earn the appreciation of the superiors.
The results of the survey reflect gender discrimination situations, such as missing the desired job (15.3% of responses) or more difficult access to a job compared to a male candidate (21.3% of responses). Two out of five women said they have encountered difficulties in gaining access to a better job or promotion within the company, and 18% of respondents think the bosses have imposed higher performance standards than their opposite counterparts for similar positions.
The employer's different approaches start at the recruitment stage. Three out of ten women said they were asked during the interviews if they had children or if they planned to have them in the near future, considering that the answer to these questions influenced the employer's decision.
(Photo source: Adobe Stock)