Book event attracts 4,000 visitors to Bucharest’s Arch of Triumph

Over 4,000 people visited the Arch of Triumph on the evening of April 23, when a night event marked World Book Day, reported.
The visitors could browse over 2,000 books, albums and encyclopedias in the six reading spaces available and take part in a literary treasure hunt.
A book-themed video-mapping session turned the monument into a virtual library.
Each participant brought a book to the event, to use as an entrance ticket to the Arch of Triumph. The books, together with others published by Litera, will be donated to underprivileged communities.
The Arch of Triumph will stay open to the public until June 15, from Monday to Sunday, between 10:00 and 17:300.
(Photo: Administrația Monumentelor și Patrimoniului Turistic București Facebook Page)