Over 50 human-rights documentary films screened mid-March in Bucharest
One World Romania, the international human rights documentary festival, will run its tenth edition between March 13 and March 19, in Bucharest. More than 50 documentary films, selected from 1,300 submissions, will be screened at Elvire Popesco, Eforie, Union and Horia Bernea - Cinema Muzeul Taranului cinema halls in Bucharest.
This year’s edition focuses on the theme of fear and the various ways it manifests itself in society. The films screened in the festival explore the origins of these fears and ways to overcome them.
High-school students can also enroll in the One World High-school Students Jury by writing an essay on the theme “Fear gives rise to monsters. Oppose it!”. Of those submitting essays, five will be selected to grant the festival’s only award.
The list of selected films and the sections of the event are being updated here.
One World Romania is the only documentary festival in Bucharest, and the only one dedicated to human rights in Romania. It started as an offspring of the One World in Prague, initiated by the Czech Center Bucharest, but later became autonomous.