Bucharest’s Arch of Triumph opens for visitors for World Book Day

The Arch of Triumph, a landmark of the capital, will open for visitors on April 23 to mark World Book Day.
The edifice will be open from 19:00 until midnight, for an event called The Night of Open Books. Visitors will find here novel reading spaces, books for all ages and interests and multimedia areas offering cultural information. Beginning with 20:00, a video mapping performance will turn the exterior of the Arch of Triumph into a virtual library.
Those who want to attend the event are required to bring a book as an entrance ticket. All the books raised will be selected and donated to underprivileged communities.
World Book Day is an event promoting reading, book publishing and copyright.
The Night of Open Books will open the campaign titled Book in Triumph, encouraging reading this year, when Romania is celebrating the Year of the Book. The event is organized by Litera Publishing House in a partnership with the Bucharest City Hall, through the Public Monuments and Touristic Heritage Administration (AMPT).
(Photo: Adobe Stock)