BCR-InnovX picks up ten Romanian start-ups to help grow

The BCR-InnovX Accelerator program's jury has selected ten companies to participate in the bootcamp phase, from March 25 to June 14, 2019.
The European Center for Services Investments and Financing (ECSIF) will help all start-ups in the program to apply for EUR 50,000 innovation grants from the European Union. The startups will also be able to pitch their presentations at the Startup Grind conference in London.
The first cohort of the Accelerator is dedicated to start-ups with a turnover of between EUR 100,000 and EUR 1 million that develop innovative solutions and products through technology.
The 10 companies selected by the jury are AlphaBlock (blockchain), BOX2M (IoT technologies), KFactory (IoT technologies and machine learning), KPEYE (platform dedicated to SMEs), Maillon (platform LendTech), Modex (Blockchain), Mo'Real Universe (Augmented Reality platform), Product Lead (e-commerce solution), Sigtree (Smart Home integrated services), and Wise Voice (chatbot developer and voice assistant).
(Photo source: BCR)