BNP Paribas consolidates Bucharest offices with 5,500 sqm lease

Four BNP Paribas Group companies operating in Romania will move their offices to the Oregon Park office project, the group announced.
The companies (BNP Paribas Personal Finance, BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions, BNP Paribas Corporate & Institutional Banking and BNP Paribas Central Europe Technologies) will occupy 5,500 sqm in the project’s Building C. The move will take place in the last quarter of 2019.
Oregon Park is located in one of the main office hubs in the northern part of Bucharest.
The cross-border team of BNP Paribas Real Estate from Romania and Poland represented the Group during the whole transaction process.
Lion’s Head Investments, a joint venture between South-African investment fund Old Mutual Property and Bulgarian-based AG Capital, bought the Oregon park project last year from developer Portland Trust. The project consists of three office buildings with a total leasable area of some 70,000 sqm. Its tenants include Oracle, Deloitte, Euler Hermes and Kepler Alten.