Bookster teams up with Goethe-Institut to promote German language, culture in Romania

Bookster, a platform that brings reading closer to people in companies, recently announced its partnership with Goethe-Institut Bucharest, the company's first collaboration with a foreign language institute in Romania.
The partnership aims to bring the German language and culture closer to Bookster subscribers in Romania.
The company’s community of readers currently has access to valuable readings, including books and articles from various fields. The most popular areas are professional development, especially educational resources on leadership, productivity, and finance, but also personal development, and mental and emotional health.
"The partnership with Goethe-Institut Bucharest is very exciting for us, especially because it responds naturally to requests received from subscribers, either to learn the German language or about the German culture or to read diverse texts at an advanced level. At Bookster, we have always sought to focus on the desire for the development and learning of employees in companies, so we have always built experiences around their interests and expectations. We aim to continue in the direction of diversification, seeking other potential content partners, either from institutes, or public or specialized libraries," said Teodora Rădulescu, CEO of Bookster.
Through this partnership, Goethe-Institut Bucharest becomes the first library of an institute in Romania to join Bookster in its efforts to encourage reading. Since the platform was opened for partnerships with libraries, the over 140,000 subscribers registered on the platform have enjoyed an increasingly diverse range of readings available in Romanian, English, French, Hungarian, and now German.
"I sometimes feel naive happiness just reading complex phrases in German. My life has been marked by this language, and my success is largely due to my knowledge of it. That's why I wanted to offer access to German-language readings on the Bookster platform, which we can now do in collaboration with Goethe-Institut Bucharest!" said Octavian Radu, a German language and culture enthusiast, and Bookster shareholder.
"We are pleased that the Goethe Library is part of the Bookster project, a platform that contributes to the promotion of German literature and language beyond the usual visitors of the Goethe-Institut Bucharest. We count on the success of this initiative and invite all those interested in the German language and culture to come to our library, which offers a free reader's permit and where you will find other cultural surprises as well," said Dr. Joachim Umlauf, director of Goethe-Institut Bucharest.
(Photo source: Bookster, Goethe Institut)