Romania to pour another EUR 25 mln into developing maritime port of Braila

Transport minister Sorin Grindeanu announced last week that the Executive approved the technical-economic indicators for the development of the infrastructure of the maritime-river Port of Brăila, on the Danube, namely the berths 26 and 27.
The value of the investment is RON 126.8 mln (including VAT), and the funds are provided from the EU budget under the Large Infrastructure program POIM 2014-2020 and from own sources of the National Company Danube Ports Administration Maritime Galaţi.
To develop this project, a feasibility study was carried out to identify the necessary works.
The Port of Brăila is one of the largest Romanian ports on the Danube, with a maritime statute, and is included in the global TEN-T network. But a large part of the existing constructions is older than 80 years.
This port has 44 berths (5,069 linear meters of berths), of which 27 berths (3,654 linear meters in length) are under the administration of the National Company Danube Ports Administration Maritime - Galaţi (APDM).
The project should be completed within 19 months.
At this moment, the modernization works of berths 31-38 are in progress under another RON 127.13 mln (EUR 25 mln) project.
(Photo source: Facebook/Sorin Grindeanu)