BSOG goes ahead with 3GW offshore wind project in Romania’s Black Sea

BSOG, which launched natural gas extraction in the Midia perimeter in Romania’s shallow Black Sea waters (MGD Project), decided to go ahead with its offshore wind project in the same place after completing the feasibility study.
BSOG and its partners plan to develop 3GW, Offshore Energy announced.
The consultant, OWC, announced that it completed the feasibility study for BSOG on May 8, around a month after Romania’s Offshore Wind Energy Bill was adopted.
Under the new law, Romania aims to designate offshore wind energy areas and define tender procedures by mid-2025, with a plan to have the first offshore wind project built by 2032.
In July 2023, BSOG announced that, together with its partners in the MGD project, Petro Ventures Resources and Gas Plus Dacia, started the permitting process for a power corridor in the Black Sea along its existing MGD Project infrastructure to connect future offshore wind farms to the Transelectrica national power grid (SEN).
With a designed capacity of 3 GW and 126 kilometers in length, it would be the first power corridor permitted in the Romanian Black Sea, BSOG said last year, adding that it expected the completion of regulatory procedures by mid-2024.
(Photo source: Eugene Suslo/