Bucharest metro goes EU for Europe Day – cultural shows & events

Metro stations in Bucharest will change name and host events to celebrate Europe Day this year. A metro train wearing European symbols will run across the Bucharest metro system on Friday and Saturday, May 8 and 9, to mark the same celebration.
Several metro stations will host cultural events on these two days, and metro commuters will receive information about the culture and traditions of various European countries. Most events will take place in these metro stations after 4 PM. Foreigners who want to go Romanian should visit the Piata Victoriei 2 metro station, which will focus on Romania.
Each of the metro stations will focus on one or two different countries, as follows: Eroilor (Sweden and Germany), Izvor (Malta), Piaţa Universităţii (Italy), Piaţa Unirii 1 (The Czech Republic), Piaţa Unirii 2 (Ireland), Piaţa Romană (Demnark), Piaţa Victoriei 1 (Slovenia), Piaţa Victoriei 2 (Romania), Grozăveşti (Finland), Ştefan cel Mare (Austria), Crângaşi (Spain), Gara de Nord (Latvia), Timpuri Noi (Hungary), Aviatorilor (Croatia) şi Pipera (the Netherlands). The Bucharest metro operator Metrorex organizes similar events every year on Europe Day.
The European union celebrates Europe Day on May 9. On this day 65 years ago, the French Foreign Affairs Minister Robert Schuman set the cornerstone of the European Union.