Bucharest’s new parking tariffs explained

Starting with August 15, people in Romania’s capital will no longer be able to park in the center without paying ahead of time. Those who fail to do so will be fined RON 200 (EUR 40) and their car will be clamped.
“A civilized behavior in the municipal parking lots protects you from sanctions. Park legally and avoid being penalized,” reads a message published on the official website of Bucharest’s city hall.
The new parking rules divide Bucharest into three zones: zone 0, the very center of the city; zone 1, the expanded center; and zone 2, which covers the rest of Bucharest. A map can be seen here.
Parking in zone 0 between 7:00 and 23:00 will cost RON 10 per hour. In zone 1 it will be RON 5 per hour, and those who want to park in zone 2 will pay RON 2.5 per hour, but only between 7:00-19:00.
In addition to these rates, Bucharest city hall has also created several types of subscriptions.
Subscription prices for individuals are as follows:
Zone 0 (in RON): 75 / day, 300 / week, 1,050 / month, 5,250 / semester, 9,450 / year.
Zone 1 (in RON): 38 / day, 150 / week, 525 / month, 2,625 / semester, 4,725 / year.
Zone 2 (in RON): 15 / day, 60 / week, 210 / month, 1,050 / semester, 1,890 / year.
Those who have subscriptions for zone 0 can also use the parking spaces in zones 1 and 2, and those who have subscriptions in zone 1 can also use the parking spaces in zone 2, according to HotNews.
To get a subscription, residents must prove, through an ID, that they live on the street for which they wish to be issued the pass. Moreover, they will have to provide the vehicle’s registration certificate or leasing contract, proving ownership of it. Naturally, the address on the registration certificate must match the one on the ID.
Companies and other legal entities can also opt for subscriptions of a day, a week, a month, a semester, or a year. In order to be able to choose a specific parking spot, they will have to pay for at least a month or more.
Subscriptions can be purchased through the Parking București mobile app, available on Google Play or in the AppStore.
(Photo source: Vitalij Sova | Dreamstime.com)