Cluj-Napoca's Babeș-Bolyai University signs academic partnership with Sibiu's Lucian Blaga University

Two of the biggest Romanian educational institutions, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (UBB) and Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (ULBS), partnered up for a strategic academic alliance.
The agreement will "include concrete joint actions in the area of education, research-development-innovation, and in the relationship with society."
"I am glad to have this partnership, thought of as a concentration of academic resources through cooperation and strategic coordination, in a win-win logic. We are very careful when we establish not only partnerships, but strategic partnerships, and the past and the present justify such a relationship with ULBS," says UBB rector r. Daniel David.
The two universities share a unique history. In the past, Sibiu served as a place of refuge during UBB's complicated times in the 1940s due to the political tension and the war.
"The implementation of joint projects, the improvement of the quality of Romanian university education, research-development-innovation represent the key concepts that define and around which the strategic partnership signed by our institutions is built," ULBS' university professor dr. Sorin Radu chimes in.
The news comes amidst UBB's ambitious 'Science Campus' project. The university is a part of an ensemble with Cluj-Napoca City Hall, and they'd just signed a design contract worth EUR 1.7 million to build a 6.48 hectares brand-new campus complex.
(Photo source: ULBS/Facebook)