Companies and employees in Romania's HORECA sector may not have to pay taxes for three years

Companies and employees in the HORECA sector should not pay any taxes for the 2020, 2021, and 2022 fiscal years, according to a draft bill under debate in the Senate, Mediafax reported.
The bill aims to help the hospitality industry, which has been among the hardest-hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions. The businesses in this sector have declined by about 70% in 2020, according to the bill’s initiators.
About 400,000 employees work in this sector, which used to generate about EUR 5 billion per year.
Meanwhile, employees in the HORECA sector protested on Wednesday afternoon against the Government’s decision to keep indoor restaurants closed. Over 100,000 employees in the HORECA sector will leave if the Government doesn’t open indoor restaurants, said on Wednesday Daniel Mischie, president of the Organization of Hotel and Restaurant Operators in Romania – HORA.
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