Current time in Romania
Hello! This is the current time in Romania, including the date.
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The subway operated in Romania's capital city, Bucharest (5.97 points), ranks in seventh place, at
The income tax rate may increase from 10% currently to 13% in 2025, according to estimates of trade
Nicolae Ciuca, the leader of Romania's National Liberal Party (PNL) and a candidate in the upcoming
Nationalist leader George Simion (AUR, 21.2%) would rank in second place in the first round of the
Swedish furniture retailer IKEA plans to open its first store in Cluj, and according to the
Banca Transilvania (BVB: TLV), the largest financial group by assets in Romania, reported a net
Romania's tax collection agency ANAF "identified" more than 270 taxpayers (natural persons) who
A study by IBC Focus reveals that 60% of Romania's largest construction firms expect higher turnover
Romania's public debt rose by over RON 10 bln (EUR 2 bln) in August to reach RON 887 bln (EUR 178.2
Noting that the inflation eased slower than anticipated and will follow a trajectory above that of
Romania’s government will return the surcharges illegally collected only to the energy producers who
Dozens of towns and other localities across Romania will receive digitalized eco-islands for waste