Current time in Romania

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02 November 2010

Swedish rock metal band Therion will perform in Bucharest on November 22 at Arenele Romane (2 Cutitul de Argint St.) from 19,30 hours. MAP Swedish Loch Vostok and Norwegian band Leprous will play the opening for the Therion concert.

02 November 2010

Ovidiu Rom's Halloween Charity Ball this year, which took place on October 30 at the Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest, brought together business people and public figures who dressed up for the 50s and raised money to send poor children to kindergarden. The Ovidiu Rom charity raised over EUR 500,000 at this charitable event, enough to keep 1,200 poor children in kindergarden for a year. See a photo gallery from the event below.

02 November 2010

The Romanian Central Bank (BNR) could resume its monetary easing policy in the first half of 2011, after an increase in the sales tax introduced earlier this year has forced the process into a temporary halt, an official of the International Monetary Fund said Monday.

02 November 2010

The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu, the three-hour long documentary directed by Andrei Ujica won the Best East European Documentary Award at the 14th edition of the International Documentary Film Festival in Jihlava, the Czech Republic.

02 November 2010

The new law on the education which the Government has recently assumed responsibility for allows teaching history and geography in the mother tongue for all the national minorities, not only for the Hungarian one, said Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc.

02 November 2010

*IMF leaves without approved budget, tranche delayed for January – in Ziarul Financiar
*Vodafone brings expat to lead Romanian subsidiary. Liliana Solomon promoted head of 14 markets – in Ziarul Financiar
*Romgaz imports more expensive gas and profits drops 23% – in Ziarul Financiar
*DM Drogerie Markt opens unit on the premises of the former Sherriffs restaurant downtown Bucharest – in Ziarul Financiar
*City Mall owners take cover from banks by asking for insolvency – in Gandul
*Romanian public pensions, the worst in the region. What will happen by 2050 – in Gandul

01 November 2010

The Romanian Regional Development and Tourism Ministry will collaborate with Facebook in promoting Romania as a tourist destination on the social media website, the ministry has announced. Tourism minister Elena Udrea and Black Chandlee, VP and Commercial director with Facebook for the EMEA region, held a joint press conference to detail the collaboration on Tuesday, November 2, from 10,00 hours. The ministry will work with Facebook representatives to establish an integrated social media and new media strategy, organize training sessions for ministry employees and for representatives of the tourism industry in Romania.

01 November 2010

The Turkish capital markets surveillance body (SPK) has started an investigation into fund manager Mark Mobius of Franklin Templeton over alleged market manipulation following requests from Turkish investors, senior SPK officials said on Monday, quoted by Reuters newswire.

01 November 2010

Australian investment fund APN/UKA, which owns the City Mall shopping center in Bucharest, has asked for the insolvency of the Romanian company which runs the shopping mall, Victoria Holding.

01 November 2010

A supersonic jet fighter aircraft MiG 21 Lancer crashed Monday near Campia Turzii, central Romania

01 November 2010

Canadian oil and gas company Sterling Resources has ended the agreement with Melrose Resources BV for Sterling's Pelican and Midia blocks, offshore Romania, the company has announced. "The inability to obtain assignment approval has impeded progress on the Ana and Doina discoveries, as well as further exploration and appraisal activities on the blocks," according to the company.

01 November 2010

Airline company Carpatair has flown in 200 foreign tourists who spent their Halloween in Transylvania, the firm has announced. The German and Italian tourists bought tickets as part of Carpatair's promotional sale. Foreigners visited mainly the Bran and Sighisoara areas.



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