Current time in Romania

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29 July 2010

Movies opening this week-end in Bucharest and in major Romanian cities. Movie trailers

29 July 2010

Romania's newly launched tourism communication campaign aims at increasing the number of local and international tour operators which sell Romania as a tourist destination, as well as the number of local and international tourists which would recommend the country for tourism.

29 July 2010

Carmaker Automobile Dacia has delivered a car fleet made of 46 Duster cars to telecom operator Orange Romania. The car fleet will be used by Orange's technical department for its telecom network repairing and for rapid interventions.

29 July 2010

The Bucharest Museum in Universitate Square will host the second edition of the Health Living Fair, which will start tomorrow and will end on Sunday, August 1st. The museum's yard will be the exhibition and sales area for Romanian traditional products, Bio products from Italy, France, Spain, as well as Italian traditional food products.

29 July 2010

Online retailer has sold over 240 products which were mistakenly discounted by more than ten times, due to a website technical error, the company's manager Radu Apostolescu wrote on the firm's website. The mistake has a cost of around RON 132,000 (the equivalent of around EUR 31,000) for, which has decided to validate the sales even so.

29 July 2010

Telecom operator Vodafone has signed agreements with advertising sales companies to sell targeted advertising on the mobile versions of websites, introducing a new feature, based on each user's profile characteristics, Vodafone has announced. The mobile advertising service, which is called AdPlus, uses several profile criteria, such as the potential revenues, age, sex, location or the type of mobile phone used to view a certain website.

29 July 2010

A week after the local authorities have asked for the Zone Arena concert complex to be demolished, its owners says the complex will stand and even host the Ozzy Osbourne concert which was planned for October 2 this year, according to Ziarul Financiar. The concert however will end by 22,00 hours, so that the noise won''t disturb the inhabitants in the area in the late hours of the night.

29 July 2010

The owner of Cotroceni Park mall in Bucharest, AFI Europe, has signed the leasing contract with fashion retailer H&M, which should open the first store in Romania within Cotroceni Park in spring next year.

29 July 2010

The review of a book by Dumitru Tsepeneag - Vain Art of the Fugue

29 July 2010

Romanian state-owned companies Avioane Craiova, IOR, Mangalia Shipyard, Cuprumin and Moldomin will be privatized, according to the Economy Minister Adriean Videanu. This is not the first attempt to privatize these companies, which were already on the list of state participations which will be sold on the stock market.

29 July 2010

Romania has launched its new tourism campaign at the Shanghai World Expo on Thursday, revealing the slogan “Explore the Carpathian Garden', as well as a new logo for the campaign (see picture).

29 July 2010

Telecom operator Orange saw its revenues decline by 8.8 percent in the first half of this year, to EUR 484 million, according to Mediafax quoting a company report. The second quarter of the year however brought an improvement on the Romanian market.



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