Flow rate on the Danube River expected to double in the coming days

The flow rate (discharge) of the Danube River, at the entry point to Romania, will increase significantly in the next period, up to 8,000 cubic meters per second, well above the multi-year average of September, according to the forecast published by the National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management (INHGA), Economica.net reported.
The multi-year average for September is around 3,800 cubic meters per second.
However, the two dams on the Danube part of the hydropower plants operated by Hidroelectrica will be able to manage the flow rate and avoid excessive levels of the river downstream of the dams. After an extremely dry year, the higher flow rates are not posing problems, the company’s representatives assured.
On the downside, the hydropower plants operated by Hidroelectrica are functioning at this time at roughly 60% of their capacity and thus are not prepared to fully capitalise on the opportunity, according to Economica.net.
Of the six units of 194MW at the Iron Gates hydropower plant, two are not working and a third is partly working.
(Photo source: Viocara/Dreamstime.com)