DIY chain Dedeman boasts revenues of over EUR 2 bln in 2021

Do-it-yourself chain Dedeman, wholly controlled by Adrian and Dragoş Pavăl, reported its turnover rose by 10.5% to RON 10.03 bln (over EUR 2 bln) in 2021, according to data published at the Ministry of Finance, quoted by Ziarul Financiar.
The company's net profit rose even faster, by 15.4% to RON 1.7 bln (EUR 340 mln).
Dedeman held about RON 669 mln in bank deposits at the end of the year, RON 70 mln more compared to the previous year, while the company's debts were RON 1.2 bln, a slight increase compared to 2020.
Dedeman is the largest Romanian entrepreneurial business, both in terms of turnover and in terms of the number of employees, being also an important investor on the Bucharest Stock Exchange.
Through Pavăl Holding, which also owns 100% of Dedeman, brothers Adrian and Dragoş Pavăl hold a significant portfolio of stakes in companies such as Alro Slatina, Vrancart, Electrica, Conpet, Purcari, Simtel.
(Photo: Empire331/ Dreamstime)