30 July 2010

The consortium which has created Romania's tourism brand, included the logo which triggered questions due to its similarity to another logo which was sold on the Internet, has reacted quickly to the Romanian Tourism Ministry's request for explanations. THR offered to show all the paper drawings and the intermediary designs used in the creative process and even offered supplementary design works on the logo, should the Romanian tourism Ministry ask for it.

29 July 2010

While 'the eternal flame in Andreiasu' is the generic name, there's more than one flame burning in Vrancea county, where Andreiasu mountain locality is located.

It all starts with gaseous hydrocarbons emissions – some of which have the so-called 'spontaneous combustion'. Which means the gas will turn to flames once it reaches the air, but they can also be ignited

28 July 2010

After 1989, Romania had to go through a long and at times painful transition towards democracy. The legacy of over 50 years of communism could not be eliminated so quickly. But in the 20 years that have gone by since the fall of communism, the country has managed to make some important steps ahead.

28 July 2010

After five years at the helm of the Athenee Palace Hilton five-star hotel in Bucharest, Friedrich Niemann has decided to change scenery. He will leave at the end of August to run another hotel in the Hilton chain in Berlin. Before embarking on the new journey, he has talked to Romania Insider about the five years in Romania and about the life of a hotel manager.

30 July 2010

The consortium which has created Romania's tourism brand, included the logo which triggered questions due to its similarity to another logo which was sold on the Internet, has reacted quickly to the Romanian Tourism Ministry's request for explanations. THR offered to show all the paper drawings and the intermediary designs used in the creative process and even offered supplementary design works on the logo, should the Romanian tourism Ministry ask for it.

29 July 2010

While 'the eternal flame in Andreiasu' is the generic name, there's more than one flame burning in Vrancea county, where Andreiasu mountain locality is located.

It all starts with gaseous hydrocarbons emissions – some of which have the so-called 'spontaneous combustion'. Which means the gas will turn to flames once it reaches the air, but they can also be ignited

28 July 2010

After 1989, Romania had to go through a long and at times painful transition towards democracy. The legacy of over 50 years of communism could not be eliminated so quickly. But in the 20 years that have gone by since the fall of communism, the country has managed to make some important steps ahead.

28 July 2010

After five years at the helm of the Athenee Palace Hilton five-star hotel in Bucharest, Friedrich Niemann has decided to change scenery. He will leave at the end of August to run another hotel in the Hilton chain in Berlin. Before embarking on the new journey, he has talked to Romania Insider about the five years in Romania and about the life of a hotel manager.



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