EC approves EUR 80.6 million state aid scheme for Romanian cinema production

The European Commission has approved a EUR 80.6 million state aid scheme for the Romanian cinema production. The EC has OKed the Romanian state's scheme which consists in offering interest-free loans and non-reimbursable loans for the production of Romanian movies. The measure also allows movie producers spend up to 20 percent of the movie budget in the European Economic Area, not only in Romania. Romania intends to have this cinema production support scheme on until the end of 2014.
Romanian movies have started to become more known internationally after a couple of titles have received awards in the recent years. Movies like '4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days' and “If I want to Whistle, I Whistle', among others, have brought the spotlight onto the Romanian cinema production. You can read more about Romanian movies you should watch here and here.