EC President Barosso: Romania has shaken our trust

18 July 2012

It was a stern José Manuel Barroso that addressed the press room in Brussels on the release of the latest report on Romania's progress under the EC's Cooperation and Verification Mechanism. He stated the need for Romania's judiciary system to function effectively and free from political interference. The EC President spoke of the EU's reliance on member states respecting not only European institutions, but also democracy and the rule of law.  Romania had, he said, “Shaken our trust.”

Recent events have undermined Romania's efforts over the last five years to meet EU demands and implement reforms. “While progress has been made on judicial reform and the fight against corruption in the last five years, this progress has been called into question by events in the last month. The Commission has raised serious concerns for the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary in Romania,” said Barroso. The Commission President stressed time and time again the need for Romania's Constitutional Court to be respected, the need to respect judiciary system and not interfere with the decisions of judges and to “respect the rule of law.”

According to the President's speech, “90 percent of Romanians see corruption and a failing justice system as major problems facing Romania.” The warning that current events could scare off business was reiterated by the President and he repeatedly stated that compliance with Europe's demands was in Romania's best interests.

Last week, Romanian PM Victor Ponta had already received the now famous '11 commandments' – a list of demands on the rule of law requiring immediate resolution. The emergency ordinances that allowed the Romanian government to overturn Constitutional Court decisions must be immediately repealed, says the EC.

The implementation of all Constitutional Court rulings was also called for, as well as a commitment to discipline any government or politician who undermines the credibility of judges or puts pressure on judicial institutions. The EC also called for the nomination of state officials and judges of integrity committees via a transparent process and to set up an Ombudsman role with cross party support that would be respected by all.

Appointment must not be made under the acting presidency and the EC also forbade the interim president, Crin Antonescu, from making any presidential pardons. Romania must also prevent those with convictions for high level corruption from standing for office and that any MP with a conflict of interest should immediately resign.

President Barroso did however say that his meeting with Romanian PM Victor Ponta on Thursday was “a good meeting,” and that Romania had “stepped back from the edge.” He said that Romania will be closely monitored and an extra report produced in six months time to assess whether the latest demands have been met. Barroso also paid tribute to Ponta for his speedy response and referred to the letter from the Romanian PM in which he agreed to implement all the EC's recommendations.

Liam Lever,

(photo source:


EC President Barosso: Romania has shaken our trust

18 July 2012

It was a stern José Manuel Barroso that addressed the press room in Brussels on the release of the latest report on Romania's progress under the EC's Cooperation and Verification Mechanism. He stated the need for Romania's judiciary system to function effectively and free from political interference. The EC President spoke of the EU's reliance on member states respecting not only European institutions, but also democracy and the rule of law.  Romania had, he said, “Shaken our trust.”

Recent events have undermined Romania's efforts over the last five years to meet EU demands and implement reforms. “While progress has been made on judicial reform and the fight against corruption in the last five years, this progress has been called into question by events in the last month. The Commission has raised serious concerns for the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary in Romania,” said Barroso. The Commission President stressed time and time again the need for Romania's Constitutional Court to be respected, the need to respect judiciary system and not interfere with the decisions of judges and to “respect the rule of law.”

According to the President's speech, “90 percent of Romanians see corruption and a failing justice system as major problems facing Romania.” The warning that current events could scare off business was reiterated by the President and he repeatedly stated that compliance with Europe's demands was in Romania's best interests.

Last week, Romanian PM Victor Ponta had already received the now famous '11 commandments' – a list of demands on the rule of law requiring immediate resolution. The emergency ordinances that allowed the Romanian government to overturn Constitutional Court decisions must be immediately repealed, says the EC.

The implementation of all Constitutional Court rulings was also called for, as well as a commitment to discipline any government or politician who undermines the credibility of judges or puts pressure on judicial institutions. The EC also called for the nomination of state officials and judges of integrity committees via a transparent process and to set up an Ombudsman role with cross party support that would be respected by all.

Appointment must not be made under the acting presidency and the EC also forbade the interim president, Crin Antonescu, from making any presidential pardons. Romania must also prevent those with convictions for high level corruption from standing for office and that any MP with a conflict of interest should immediately resign.

President Barroso did however say that his meeting with Romanian PM Victor Ponta on Thursday was “a good meeting,” and that Romania had “stepped back from the edge.” He said that Romania will be closely monitored and an extra report produced in six months time to assess whether the latest demands have been met. Barroso also paid tribute to Ponta for his speedy response and referred to the letter from the Romanian PM in which he agreed to implement all the EC's recommendations.

Liam Lever,

(photo source:




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