Bucharest’s eco-vouchers for taxis are state aid - competition body

The eco-vouchers promised by Bucharest municipality to taxi operators should be treated as de minimis state aid, which means that taxi companies should not receive more than EUR 200,000 worth of vouchers each, according to the president of Romania’s Competition Council, Bogdan Chiritoiu, quoted by Agerpres.
Bucharest mayor Gabriela Firea came up with the idea of awarding 5,000 eco-vouchers in amount of EUR 3,000 each to taxi operators to be used for replacing cars not complying with Euro 6 emission requirements with more eco-friendly ones.
Bucharest’s General Council already passed a decision in this sense. “We should have a meeting with the representatives of the City Hall, in order to better understand their intention. It is a state aid and must be approved by the Competition Council," said Chiriţoiu. Actually, the bill should have been sent to the Competition Council before being adopted, Chiritoiu added.
Bucharest mayor wants cash-for-clunkers program for cabs
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