RO Govt. strives to come close to mandatory 6%-of-GDP education budget

Romanian deputy prime minister Raluca Turcan said on Wednesday, December 4, that the budget allocated for education next year - including European funds - could be “at least 5% of GDP”, reported.
Under the Education Law 1/2011, the sector should receive 6% of GDP, but the actual enactment of the provision has constantly been deferred.
The debate about the quality of education climbed up in the public agenda as recent PISA 2018 results revealed a steady decline in the performance of Romanian students.
"Under the difficult conditions that we have to cover with the state budget for 2020, we try to make all the funds directed to education reach at least 5% of GDP. (...) Therefore, the state budget with European funds to allocate at least 5% of GDP to education," said the deputy PM.
She promised some new projects will be initiated including one aimed at developing after school programs.
(Photo: Raluca Turcan Facebook Page)