Dutch investor builds RVM factory in Romania to capture recycling industry's development

Dutch company Envipco has completed an investment of over EUR 2 million in a factory of smart machines for the selective collection of packaging - or Reverse Vending Machines (RVMs ).
The factory is built in Sebeş, Alba county. It purchases over 90% of the necessary components from Romania and started the activity with 20 employees, Ziarul Financiar reported.
The production unit has 2,800 sqm, and the production capacity planned for 2022 is 6,000 RVMs. In 2023, the production capacity of the Sebeş factory will reach the planned capacity of 15,000 RVMs.
The company Envipco Solutions, headquartered in Alba Iulia, established in 2018, achieved in 2020 a turnover of over RON 5.4 million (EUR 1.1 million), with an average number of 10 employees.
(Photo source: Mayhelen/Dreamstime.com)