Essential Romanian phrases at work
Buna ziua, eu sunt noul vostru coleg/Hello, I am your new colleague.
Ma numesc Y si sunt din Z /My name is Y and I come from Z (your country name)
Voi lucra in departamentul X /I will work in the X department.
Ma alatur voua ca sef al departamentului/ I am joining you as head of the department.
Buna dimineata, ce faceti/ce faci? /Good morning, how are you (plural/singular)?
Salut, ce ai facut in weekend? /Hi, what have you been up to last week-end? (for Monday mornings)
Ce bine arati azi! /Looking good today!
Imi pare rau ca am intarziat, nu se va mai intampla. /I am sorry I am late, it will never happen again.
A intarziat metroul/The metro was late.
Am fost blocat in trafic/I was stuck in traffic.
La revedere!/Good-bye!
Seara buna! / Good night!
Ne vedem maine! /See you tomorrow!
Noroc! Sanatate! Chef! /Bless you! (when someone sneezes; three possible answers in Romanian; the word Noroc means Fortune, Sanatate means Health, and Chef means Party)
Coffee/Food/Going out
Vrei o cafea? /Do you want a coffee?
Fac eu cafeaua azi. /I am making the coffee today.
Mergi la pranz cu noi? /Joining us for lunch?
Vrei sa comanzi de mancare cu noi/mine? /Do you want to order some food with us/me?
Vii cu noi la o bere diseara? /Want to join us for some beers tonight?
Vii cu noi in club in weekend? /Want to join us to a club next weekend?
Pofta buna!/Enjoy your food – Bon appetit!
Work performance
Sigur, ma ocup de asta imediat/Sure, I will start on this right away.
Momentan sunt foarte prins cu treaba, dar ma voi ocupa de asta/I am currently caught up with work, but I will take care of this.
Nu stiu /I don't know.
Computerul meu nu merge/My computer is not working.
Computerul meu este foarte lent/My computer is very slow.
As dori sa discutam despre o marire/I would like to talk about a raise.
Sunt foarte multumit de activitatea ta/I am very happy with your activity.
Cred ca trebuie sa iti imbunatatesti activitatea/I think you need to improve your activity.
Demisionez! / I quit!
Esti concediat! /You're fired!
Din pacate nu mai putem lucra impreuna/Unfortunately we have to let you go.
Sunt fericit sa te anunt ca am decis sa te promovam/I am happy to let you know we've decided to promote you.
(photo source: Colliers)