Eurostat: Romania among EU countries with highest shares of people unable to keep home warm in 2022

12 September 2023

Over 15% of Romania’s population said that they were not able to keep their home adequately warm in 2022, representing one of the highest shares in the European Union (EU), according to a recent report published by Eurostat. By comparison, the EU average was 9.3%, 2.4 percentage points higher than the year before.

However, the worst situation was in Bulgaria, where 22.5% of citizens could not keep their homes adequately warm. High shares were also reported in Cyprus (19.2%), Greece (18.7%), Lithuania and Portugal (both 17.5%), Spain (17.1%), and Romania (15.2%).

Last year, Central and Eastern Europe was significantly affected by the natural gas cut in Russia, but prices rose across the Union as the European Commission pushed for joint gas negotiation and procurement, notes

According to Eurostat, Finland (1.4%), Luxembourg (2.1%), Slovenia (2.6%), Austria (2.7%), Czechia (2.9%), Sweden (3.3%), and Estonia (3.4%) reported the lowest shares of people struggling to keep their homes warm in 2022.

(Photo source: Tennesseewitney/


Eurostat: Romania among EU countries with highest shares of people unable to keep home warm in 2022

12 September 2023

Over 15% of Romania’s population said that they were not able to keep their home adequately warm in 2022, representing one of the highest shares in the European Union (EU), according to a recent report published by Eurostat. By comparison, the EU average was 9.3%, 2.4 percentage points higher than the year before.

However, the worst situation was in Bulgaria, where 22.5% of citizens could not keep their homes adequately warm. High shares were also reported in Cyprus (19.2%), Greece (18.7%), Lithuania and Portugal (both 17.5%), Spain (17.1%), and Romania (15.2%).

Last year, Central and Eastern Europe was significantly affected by the natural gas cut in Russia, but prices rose across the Union as the European Commission pushed for joint gas negotiation and procurement, notes

According to Eurostat, Finland (1.4%), Luxembourg (2.1%), Slovenia (2.6%), Austria (2.7%), Czechia (2.9%), Sweden (3.3%), and Estonia (3.4%) reported the lowest shares of people struggling to keep their homes warm in 2022.

(Photo source: Tennesseewitney/




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