Romanian experts believe 95% absorption rate for 2014-2020 MFF not likely

Romania’s absorption rate for European funds under MFF 2014-2020 reached 61% at the end of 2022, and not 71% as announced by prime minister Nicolae Ciuca recently, Ziarul Financiar reported, quoting data from the minister of investments and European projects. The figure mentioned by PM Ciuca seems to include the payments made in advance.
Eventually, the absorption rate may hit 70% by the end of the year, when the period for MFF 2014-2020 expires, according to estimates voiced by Roxana Mircea, managing partner of REI Finance.
2023 is the last of the 10 years allocated to the multiannual financial framework (MFF) 2014-2020, in which Romania had an allocation of EUR 52 bln in total.
For investments, Romania had an allocation of EUR 35 bln, of which the European Commission effectively disbursed EUR 21.4 bln, resulting in an absorption rate of 60% at the end of the ninth year, 2022. To reach a 100% absorption rate, Romania should absorb almost EUR 14 bln this year, after annual average absorption volumes of EUR 2.4 bln in 2014-2022.
(Photo source: Marian Vejcik/