New film tells story of Romanian football team's qualification for EURO 2024

A new film set to be released in mid-May tells the story of the Romanian national football team's qualification for EURO 2024.
În inima Naționalei – Din vestiar până în Germania/In the Heart of the National Team - From the Locker Room to Germany offers unprecedented access behind the scenes of the national team. It shows training sessions and matches, along with other key moments that delighted millions of Romanians.
Directed by Remus Achim and distributed by Forum Films, the movie records the most exciting moments from nearly 1,000 minutes of video representing the ten matches played by Romania in 2023, along with exclusive footage from the locker room, and the team's training, special interviews, and many other surprises. Each scene was cut from over 160 hours of video material, according to the Romanian Football Federation.
Beyond the countries covered during the qualifiers, Andorra, Kosovo, Switzerland, and Hungary, the film's production team conducted interviews and other filming with players in Romania and in Italy, Saudi Arabia, and Spain, at the clubs where some of them play. In total, the film was shot in 8 countries.
The interviews, which feature footballers, the national team's staff members, and journalists who closely followed Romania's journey in the qualifiers, were shot with at least 4 cameras each. The film includes no less than 22 interviews overall.
There are also over 100 hours of filming from the national team's camps, during training, and foreign trips, all documented step by step and stage by stage. 4 hours alone are from the locker room, before, during, and after each match.
Beyond the directorial work of Remus Achim, a team of professionals has contributed to the production. This includes 7 video specialists who carried out the actual filming, 3 video editors, 4 documentarians and communication specialists, 2 sound coordinators, 2 screenwriters, and another 2 for the movie's color grading.
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