Romanian food delivery app operators fined mainly for improper transport procedures
Romania’s consumer protection body ANPC has sanctioned the economic operators that manage food delivery applications (Food Panda Ro SRL), (Glovoappro SRL) and (SC Hellohungry SA), with total fines of RON 15,000 (EUR 3,100) and warnings, the authority announced on Tuesday.
Foodpanda was given only a warning, Glovoapp will pay a RON 5,000 fine, and Hellohungry - a RON 10,000 fine. The main problems found by ANPC regard the transport procedures used by the operators (thermal insulation of hot/cold meals, cleaning of bags).
The control was carried out following complaints registered with the ANPC Bucharest office regarding the fact that some orders were not fully honored and respected, the ingredients declared in the delivered food preparations were not respected or the discounts displayed were not granted. Another problem reported was related to failures of the payment systems operated by the three companies.
(Photo source: ID 164453795 © Milkos/