ONV LAW: Foreign investments in Romanian companies exceeded EUR 50 bln in 2022, Netherlands was top investor

The total amount of foreign investments in Romanian companies exceeded EUR 50 billion in 2022, according to data from the National Trade Registry Office analyzed by ONV LAW. The top 3 sources of foreign investment were the Netherlands (EUR 9.3 billion), Germany (EUR 5.4 billion), and Austria (EUR 5.3 billion).
The largest foreign investments were absorbed by local companies active in the field of wholesale, retail trade and automotive repairs (25.05%), professional, administrative, scientific and technical activities segment (20.81%) and the transportation, storage and communications sector (19.6%).
“Last year, Romania was an attractive investment location, as more international businesses relocated and other reoriented their geo-location in the context of the Ukraine conflict. Apart from this, various foreign investment plans and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) materialized last year as a result of processes started already in previous years. Among the very active sectors, we particularly observed the infrastructure sector, transportation and mobility, pharmaceuticals, industrial production, constructions, but also financial services, communications, automotive, or the energy sector,” said Radu Nemes, Managing Partner, ONV LAW.
The same source said that most foreign capital investments took place in the highly developed regional poles: the Capital area, Ilfov or the counties in the Western part of the country due to the proximity to the Schengen area.
Last year, ONV LAW assisted more than 20 M&A transactions on the local market, generally representing international buyers. These large multinational groups, with an extensive geographical presence, took over local companies with a cumulative annual business volume of over EUR 40 million.
Founded in 2000, ONV LAW provides the Presidency for Europe of the Legal Netlink Alliance (LNA) global legal network, which brings together 95 independent companies and over 1,500 lawyers worldwide. The law firm is also a member of the Interlaw Global Legal Network, which brings together more than 1,800 lawyers from more than 150 cities in the world.
(Photo source: Ruletkka | Dreamstime.com)