Friday headlines: Pepsi and Coca-Cola sales drop, Actavis bets on exports, GED opens beauty clinic

Romanian media
State cuts expenses on salaries and pensions. The revival ball is in the private companies' court – in Ziarul Financiar
Interests go up for lei and euro. You will pay more on your loans – in Ziarul Financiar
Cristescu brothers transfer EUR 150 mln in the Stock Exchange: In an year we will require financing – in Ziarul Financiar
Pepsi and Coca – Cola giants saw their businesses dropping for the first time in 2009 – in Ziarul Financiar
Exports keep Actavis' turnover at EUR 107 million – in Ziarul Financiar
GED opens franchised beauty clinic – in Ziarul Financiar
Tender sells bonds on the Stock Exchange and looks for European financing for Vulcan – in Ziarul Financiar
Gazprom – on June 16 we meet Videanu to talk about South Stream – in Ziarul Financiar
Consumer Protection fears the bankers' lobby in the Parliament – in Gandul
Luxury market goes down 25 percent – in Adevarul
One can save an installment a year if one refinances loan now – in Evenimentul Zilei
Transelectrica: Energy consumption is up 4.5 percent – on
Crisis cuts luxury apartment rents by 70 percent – on
International media
Reform of rating agencies poses dilemma - in the Financial Times
Gazprom resists contract renegotiation - in the Financial Times
Stocks jump on upbeat euro, energy rebound - on Reuters
Analysis: Euro rescue plan averts disaster but fears persist - on Reuters
Smart grid startups on M&A radar - on Reuters
Americans rebuilding wealth, slowly and unevenly- the Associated Press