German Gerhard Topp buys textile producer in Romania

17 September 2014

German company Ploucquet Group concluded an agreement with textile accessory producer Gerhard Topp for the sale of its unit in Brasov, Ploucquet Textil, specialized in producing components for pants.

The move will allow Ploucquet to focus on the activity of its plant in Zittau, in Germany, according to, cited by local Mediafax. The 42 employees of the unit in Brasov will work for Gerhard Topp.

The German company owns another production unit in Romania, in Holboca.

Irina Popescu,


German Gerhard Topp buys textile producer in Romania

17 September 2014

German company Ploucquet Group concluded an agreement with textile accessory producer Gerhard Topp for the sale of its unit in Brasov, Ploucquet Textil, specialized in producing components for pants.

The move will allow Ploucquet to focus on the activity of its plant in Zittau, in Germany, according to, cited by local Mediafax. The 42 employees of the unit in Brasov will work for Gerhard Topp.

The German company owns another production unit in Romania, in Holboca.

Irina Popescu,


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