Hundreds of miners protest underground in Romania, worried about energy producer's situation

Some 300 miners from the Vulcan Coal Mine in Romania’s Jiului Valley blocked themselves underground on Tuesday. They are worried that the restructuring of the state-owned energy company Complexul Energetic Hunedoara, which entered insolvency in January, will lead to mine closures and layoffs.
Moreover, the administrative staff has also joined the protest in the mine’s courtyard, union leader Ioan Ciubotaru told local Agerpres. “People want to know what will happen with the complex because they are worried about what might happen in the future,” he explained.
The protesters from Vulcan thus joined the 250 miners from Lonea Mine, who blocked themselves underground on Monday, February 22. At least 15 of the protesters also announced on Monday evening that they went on a hunger strike. Six miners were taken out during the night because they needed medical assistance. Ambulances are present in the area.
The miners’ protest started on Monday morning, when the first shift from Lonea Mine blocked themselves in the mine, worried that Complexul Energetic Hunedoara might go bankrupt. They’ve requested the Energy Ministry’s official position on this matter, as well as concrete measures to be taken to save the company.
Complexul Energetic Hunedoara operates two thermal power plants and four operational pit coal mines. The company has already closed three other mines. The group produces some 5% of Romania's electricity and has 6,500 employees, most of whom work in the coal mines.
Irina Popescu,
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