Romania's interior minister presents report on August 10 incidents in Victoriei Square

Nine days after the violent intervention of the riot police against protesters in Bucharest’s Victoriei Square, interior minister Carmen Dan presented her official report on the incidents.
The report shows that 21 criminal investigations against violent protesters have been opened after the violent incidents in Victoriei Square. At the same time, the report identified five cases of abuses against peaceful protesters, local reported. The minister apologized to all those who had to suffer following the August 10 events.
However, she said that all those who have been accusing the way the August 10 protest turned out and the riot police’s forceful intervention to reestablish public order must accept that these were determined by the violent actions of some protesters.
Meanwhile, protesters have filed some 257 complaints against the gendarmes following the August 10 protest. The military prosecutors conduct the investigation in this case.
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