Bucharest restaurant Kane reopens after EUR 500,000 investment

The Bucharest restaurant Kane has reopened following an investment of over EUR 500,000, Kane Group announced.
The restaurant, with a surface of over 250 sqm, is located in a patrimony building constructed in 1910 and located on Dianei Street, close to the C.A. Rosetti Square.
The project was financed through a credit from BCR, a capital injection from the shareholders, and a private bond placement.
The investment covered the refurbishment of the space, the purchase of equipment and furniture, and the initial training of the team.
“The Kane project entailed the refurbishment of an iconic house on Dianei Street, which had been degrading continuously since 2008. On the inside, there were very few patrimony elements left that could be recovered so we intervened with a modern interpretation of a restaurant concept and we did this by collaborating with a series of local artists and craftsmen, to breath new life into the venue,” Răzvan Crişan, co-founder of Kane Group, explained.
The project of the new restaurant started in the spring of 2018, after Kane ranked second in the 2018 Gaullt Millau restaurants top and on the first spot in the TripAdivsor top of Bucharest restaurants.
The cuisine of the restaurant is led by chef Catalin Bejenariu. The restaurant works mainly with local producers, and the plans for next year also include a strategic partnership with local farmers.
The new restaurant will also host a wine bar, meant as a space dedicated to events focused on the best local wines.
Kane Group was founded by Razvan Crisan, David Maguet and Ciprian Morar. It includes Kane – New Romanian Cuisine, the M60 coffee shop, Mamizza – NeoNeapolitan Pizza, Mercato Comunale – Outdoor Food & Drinks Market, and Project Copenhagen Coffee & Gastrobar.