04 October 2010

Bogdan Speteanu is the new general manager of BCR Leasing non-banking financial institution. Speteanu has previously worked as program director with Erste Group in Vienna. He has replaced Thomas Tolazzi.

04 October 2010

Romanians have sent money back home from 170 countries in the world, according to Western Union. The remittances are higher in the countries where the Romanian communities are bigger – in Europe, in the US and even in the Persian Golf.

04 October 2010

*IMF: Romania needs EUR 38 billion next year – in Ziarul Financiar
*Kazakhs now want state's shares in Petromidia – in Ziarul Financiar
*EUR 10,000 from the state for young people who want to start businesses – in Ziarul Financiar
*Hornbach opens the Prisma store by the end of the year – in Ziarul Financiar
*IMF money move BNR's reserves up to EUR 32.6 billion in September – in Gandul

02 October 2010

A recent article published by Reuters newswire points out to a trend that has been catching in Romania: local company owners prefer to incorporate their business in neighboring Bulgaria, where the Government has implemented measures which help companies weather the crisis, rather than continuing to pay taxes in their home country.

01 October 2010

Romanian foreign exchange (forex) reserves rose by EUR 1 billion on the month to EUR 32.58 billion in September, boosted by money from the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission, the Romanian Central Bank (BNR) said Friday. End-August, hard currency reserves reached EUR 31.55 billion.

04 October 2010

Bogdan Speteanu is the new general manager of BCR Leasing non-banking financial institution. Speteanu has previously worked as program director with Erste Group in Vienna. He has replaced Thomas Tolazzi.

04 October 2010

Romanians have sent money back home from 170 countries in the world, according to Western Union. The remittances are higher in the countries where the Romanian communities are bigger – in Europe, in the US and even in the Persian Golf.

04 October 2010

*IMF: Romania needs EUR 38 billion next year – in Ziarul Financiar
*Kazakhs now want state's shares in Petromidia – in Ziarul Financiar
*EUR 10,000 from the state for young people who want to start businesses – in Ziarul Financiar
*Hornbach opens the Prisma store by the end of the year – in Ziarul Financiar
*IMF money move BNR's reserves up to EUR 32.6 billion in September – in Gandul

02 October 2010

A recent article published by Reuters newswire points out to a trend that has been catching in Romania: local company owners prefer to incorporate their business in neighboring Bulgaria, where the Government has implemented measures which help companies weather the crisis, rather than continuing to pay taxes in their home country.

01 October 2010

Romanian foreign exchange (forex) reserves rose by EUR 1 billion on the month to EUR 32.58 billion in September, boosted by money from the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission, the Romanian Central Bank (BNR) said Friday. End-August, hard currency reserves reached EUR 31.55 billion.



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