Interim president Ilie Bolojan is attending the European Council in Brussels on Thursday, March 6, to signal Romania’s...
Romania and the International Monetary Fund have agreed on a budget deficit target of 1.3 billion for the first quarter of next year, one third lower compared to the same period of 2010.
Romanian company Bioromoil Automatic Stations will open the first automatic gas station in Craiova this month and plans to reach a network of 40 such stations close to large retail centers by the end of next year.
Valvis Holding, a company owned by serial investor Jean Valvis, has invested EUR 12.5 million in technologies for the new mineral water brand Aqua Carpatica and expects it to reach a market share of 10 percent in the next two years
Artanu and Suedezu, the founding members of Partizan and Timpuri Noi bands, will perform a live show with Partizan, the Romanian band which re-started its series of concerts this summer. They will be on stage at the Fourteen Bar (14 Benjamin Franklin St.) on Friday, November 19, from 22,00 hours.
Gabriela Adamesteanu is one of the best known contemporary Romanian writers. Her books, written in a colorful and colloquial style, have been translated into more than 10 languages, turning her into a bestselling author.
The value of payments using foreign-issued cards to Romanian traders climbed to a record EUR 94 million, 25 percent above the previous quarter's level.
*How did entrepreneur Ioan Ciolan restructure the Ambient business, from EUR 20 mln loss – in Ziarul Financiar
*Airports with under a million passenger traffic a year need EUR 150 million to develop – in Ziarul Financiar
*Large stock market players invest millions of lei in Fondul Proprietatea – in Ziarul Financiar
*The Government sets up the Fiscal Police – in Ziarul Financiar
Oil and gas company OMV's Chief Executive Officer Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer (in picture) was charged with insider trading after buying shares in the company a week before a major divestment, according to Bloomberg.
A metro train got off the tracks between Unirii and Timpuri Noi metro stations on Wednesday evening, without causing any victims. The traffic was stopped on that route and works are currently underway to evacuate the passengers and move the metro train back to the depot.
Romania’s Economy Ministry has drafted a bill that would compel energy suppliers to inform consumers on the origins of the electricity they are selling. "It's possible that consumers may want to choose their suppliers based also on the fuel mixture used to produce the electricity, given that renewable energy might be exempted from excise duties," the ministry said in the bill's rationale.
Romania and the International Monetary Fund have agreed on a budget deficit target of 1.3 billion for the first quarter of next year, one third lower compared to the same period of 2010.
Romanian company Bioromoil Automatic Stations will open the first automatic gas station in Craiova this month and plans to reach a network of 40 such stations close to large retail centers by the end of next year.
Valvis Holding, a company owned by serial investor Jean Valvis, has invested EUR 12.5 million in technologies for the new mineral water brand Aqua Carpatica and expects it to reach a market share of 10 percent in the next two years
Artanu and Suedezu, the founding members of Partizan and Timpuri Noi bands, will perform a live show with Partizan, the Romanian band which re-started its series of concerts this summer. They will be on stage at the Fourteen Bar (14 Benjamin Franklin St.) on Friday, November 19, from 22,00 hours.
Gabriela Adamesteanu is one of the best known contemporary Romanian writers. Her books, written in a colorful and colloquial style, have been translated into more than 10 languages, turning her into a bestselling author.
The value of payments using foreign-issued cards to Romanian traders climbed to a record EUR 94 million, 25 percent above the previous quarter's level.
*How did entrepreneur Ioan Ciolan restructure the Ambient business, from EUR 20 mln loss – in Ziarul Financiar
*Airports with under a million passenger traffic a year need EUR 150 million to develop – in Ziarul Financiar
*Large stock market players invest millions of lei in Fondul Proprietatea – in Ziarul Financiar
*The Government sets up the Fiscal Police – in Ziarul Financiar
Oil and gas company OMV's Chief Executive Officer Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer (in picture) was charged with insider trading after buying shares in the company a week before a major divestment, according to Bloomberg.
A metro train got off the tracks between Unirii and Timpuri Noi metro stations on Wednesday evening, without causing any victims. The traffic was stopped on that route and works are currently underway to evacuate the passengers and move the metro train back to the depot.
Romania’s Economy Ministry has drafted a bill that would compel energy suppliers to inform consumers on the origins of the electricity they are selling. "It's possible that consumers may want to choose their suppliers based also on the fuel mixture used to produce the electricity, given that renewable energy might be exempted from excise duties," the ministry said in the bill's rationale.