Dacia, part of the French Renault group, will launch several electric models to compete with Chinese brands for the...
"Michael Flatley's Lord of the Dance" will bring Irish dance and fabulous costumes in a tour that across Romania this...
American rock band Bon Jovi played for around 60,000 people in front of the People Palace in the Romanian capital...
The annual inflation rate went down to 7.93 percent in June, after reaching 8.41 percent in May in Romania, according to...
The cost of living varies across the main Romanian cities and the capital Bucharest, found a recent study by AT Kearney...
"Michael Flatley's Lord of the Dance" will bring Irish dance and fabulous costumes in a tour that across Romania this...
American rock band Bon Jovi played for around 60,000 people in front of the People Palace in the Romanian capital...
The annual inflation rate went down to 7.93 percent in June, after reaching 8.41 percent in May in Romania, according to...
The cost of living varies across the main Romanian cities and the capital Bucharest, found a recent study by AT Kearney...