Lidl plans to open another 100 stores in Romania

German retailer Lidl plans to open another 100 discount stores in Romania, in additional to the 200 discount shops it already has in the local market, said Frank Wagner, the director of the group’s operations in Romania, reports local Ziarul Financiar.
These have been inaugurated during a period of five years, between 2011 and 2016.
“We want to keep the expansion pace at 10-15 stores per year, and even accelerate if we find opportunities,” Wagner said.
The director explained that the expansion depended on permits and the offer of available spaces.
Lidl entered the local market in 2011 by acquiring the discount network Plus, which then had 107 units and a turnover of EUR 380 million. The group later expanded to 200 stores and reached a turnover of EUR 1.1 billion last year.
Based on the turnover. Lidl Romania ranks third in the local retail, after Kaufland and Carrefour.
German retailer Lidl increase minimum salary for its employees in Romania by 30%