Nine Audio-Visual Monographs, an interactive audio-visual exhibition that showcases elements of the project that...
Cinefemina, the festival dedicated to women in the film industry (directors, screenwriters, producers), holds the second...
The Piscu School Museum and Workshop, a cultural and educational hub open in the village of Piscu, north of Bucharest...
Eyelids, Felipe Cohen’s first solo exhibition in Romania, is on view at Gaep, in Bucharest, through August 13.
Three villages from Romania will compete to make it on the World Tourism Organization’s list of Best Tourism Villages...
The eco-art festival Eforie Colorat, scheduled to take place throughout the summer in the seaside resort of Eforie Sud...
The 21st edition of the Transilvania International Film Festival (TIFF), the event that ended this past weekend in Cluj...
The winners of the Transilvanian International Film Festival’s 21st edition were announced on Saturday evening, June 25...
Young swimmer David Popovici made headlines last week with his double win at the World Championships in Budapest. He
...Two extremely rare gold coins recovered in the UK were returned to Romania. Representatives of the Metropolitan Police...
Cinefemina, the festival dedicated to women in the film industry (directors, screenwriters, producers), holds the second...
The Piscu School Museum and Workshop, a cultural and educational hub open in the village of Piscu, north of Bucharest...
Eyelids, Felipe Cohen’s first solo exhibition in Romania, is on view at Gaep, in Bucharest, through August 13.
Three villages from Romania will compete to make it on the World Tourism Organization’s list of Best Tourism Villages...
The eco-art festival Eforie Colorat, scheduled to take place throughout the summer in the seaside resort of Eforie Sud...
The 21st edition of the Transilvania International Film Festival (TIFF), the event that ended this past weekend in Cluj...
The winners of the Transilvanian International Film Festival’s 21st edition were announced on Saturday evening, June 25...
Young swimmer David Popovici made headlines last week with his double win at the World Championships in Budapest. He
...Two extremely rare gold coins recovered in the UK were returned to Romania. Representatives of the Metropolitan Police...