Former Intercontinental Bucharest GM launches inspirational book based on his life

Lior Bebera, the former general manager of the Intercontinental Hotel in Bucharest, aims to inspire the young generation with an autobiographical book titled "Life is not a picnic".
Located in Malta, where he runs two international hotels and without the possibility of coming to Romania due to the coronavirus epidemic, Lior Bebera found this period to be opportune for launching the ebook version in a Facebook event.
"As the title of the book says, life is not a picnic; it is not perfect. We often encounter obstacles and, like at a picnic, we have the option to give up, angry that everything did not go as planned. Or we can adapt, take the obstacles as challenges to be more creative, and to feel good despite the difficulties," the author said.
"I could not launch the book now as I initially wanted - I am not able to come to Romania, the book can't be printed now. I should have given up or postponed. But, in the spirit of the book, I told myself that I couldn't give up. So, I decided to organize a live event on the most important social platform, and launch the electronic version, that many of the young people fancy nowadays," he added.
The book covers various experiences from the author's life: the tumultuous relationship with parents in adolescence, the first jobs, the choice of career, the pursuit of passions, the difficulties and challenges of the young German citizen coming from a family of immigrants from Israel, the failed experience of the first marriage, as well as tips for success and ideas that can inspire a change of mindset.
"The purpose of this book is to inspire the new generation in finding themselves from a professional point of view, and motivate young people to achieve something for them and others," said Lior Bebera.
The book's publisher is One Book Publishing House, owned by Romanian entrepreneur Oana Pustiu.
The ebook is available online, in English, at The Romanian version will be launched soon. The paperback options – standard and premium, in English and Romanian, are available to pre-order.
Early bird prices are available for all the options until May 30, 2020. Profits obtained from the book sales will be directed to support the education of young people in need.
A German national, born in Israel, Lior Bebera has lived in a total of eight countries spread across three continents. He has over twenty years of experience in the industry. He managed the Intercontinental Hotel in Bucharest from January 2017 until May 2019.
(Photo source: courtesy of the author)