EUR 1.2 bln loans already extended to Romanian SMEs under IMM Invest

Some 7,000 Romanian small and medium-sized enterprises have received financing totaling RON 6 billion (EUR 1.2 bln) under the state-guaranteed program IMM Invest, prime minister Ludovic Orban announced.
Working capital and investment loans have equal shares in the RON 6 bln loans already extended by banks, PM Orban explained, reported.
He also said that the Government would launch a similar program to subsidize the bank loans for large companies within ten days.
After a failed attempt, the IMM Invest platform successfully launched on April 28, and over 50,000 SMEs have applied for working capital and investment loans.
The state guarantees 90% of the loan value and covers the interest costs until the end of the year.
The banks enrolled in the program make their own assessment of the companies they finance.
The program was initially designed for loans of up to RON 15 bln (EUR 3 bln), but the Parliament increased the limit to RON 30 bln (EUR 6 bln).
(Photo: Pixabay)