Manpower: One in four Romanian employers plan to hire new staff in third quarter

Romanian employers estimate a steady pace of hiring in the third quarter of this year, according to the most recent Manpower study. Most employers – some 64 percent, do not intend to make personnel changes in their companies, while one in four employers would like to hire more staff soon.
The hiring trend in Romania is among the most optimistic in the region, as the next three months will most likely bring new opportunities for those who want to find or change jobs.
“In general, employers plan to keep the current workforce level during the summer months. When analyzing the evolution of the forecast in the last year, we can see constant employment activity,”said Valentin Petrof, country manager of Manpower Group Romania.
The biggest intention to hire new staff comes from employers in trade and retail, mainly due to their local expansion plans. Then comes the construction sector, agriculture, public administration, hotels and restaurants and the mining industry.