Writer Mircea Cărtărescu falls one vote short of Romanian Academy membership

Internationally acclaimed writer Mircea Cărtărescu was not admitted as a corresponding member of the Romanian Academy, falling “one vote short” in the admission procedure that took place on Wednesday, February 12, in the General Assembly of the institution.
The announcement was made by professor Rodica Zafiu, PhD, head of the Academy’s Philology Section, who told Edupedu.ro that the entire process was rather difficult.
About a month ago, Mircea Cărtărescu had received 9 out of 9 votes within this section for a nomination as a corresponding member, as part of the process of selecting new members. “But unfortunately, he failed to pass the General Assembly vote today, falling short by just one vote. He needed 74 votes to reach the required two-thirds majority but received only 73. It is a great disappointment for us because he was strongly supported by our section,” Zafiu said.
She explained that, as part of the procedure, each section submits proposals, and every nominee must obtain a two-thirds majority in the General Assembly. This happened in Wednesday’s meeting for candidates proposed by other sections but not for Mircea Cărtărescu. According to Rodica Zafiu, “it is a shame because we were very close to doing the right thing, to rewarding a very evident talent.”
The Romanian Academy’s statute, updated in 2021 and published on the institution’s website, outlines the complex process through which new members can be admitted. According to the same statute, members of the Romanian Academy are elected for life, and their number is fixed: “The maximum number of full and corresponding members of the Romanian Academy - set by law - is 181, while the number of honorary members is 135, of whom no more than 40 may reside in the country.”
Poet Ana Blandiana criticized the rejection of Mircea Cărtărescu. “The proposal to admit one of the most renowned living writers, unanimously endorsed by the specialized section, managed to trigger a wave of hostility under this dome of such intensity. Whether or not Cărtărescu is admitted to the Academy, he remains the same writer, but this stains the Academy’s reputation,” she said in a Facebook post.
The poet, famous for spearheading a reform movement in post-communist Romania, said that the vote was influenced by “hatred, envy, or frustrations.”
Additionally, writer Radu Vancu stated that among the “arguments against Cărtărescu were claims that he denigrates [famed poet] Eminescu and [legendary philosopher] Cioran, allegedly for saying that the former was antisemitic and the latter a member of the Legionary movement - facts that are clearly true, historically proven and repeatedly confirmed.”
Vancu also expressed his belief that “as things stand now, it is clear that a large part of the Romanian Academy is inhabited by the spirit of extremist nationalism of the Georgist type,” he said, referencing the far-right and pro-Russian politician Călin Georgescu.
(Photo source: Inquam Photos | George Calin)