Neogen pours another EUR 1.5 mln in online furniture retailer Vivre

Vivre Deco, a furniture and home decoration online retailer that has two bonds listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), announced that on February 9, the shareholders approved the increase of the share capital through a RON 7.5 mln (EUR 1.5 mln) capital injection made by the majority shareholder Neogen, Ziarul Financiar reported.
At the end of last year, the Neogen fund, 67% controlled by Călin Fusu, had a 50% stake in Vivre Deco.
Other shareholders were Adisory Delta (45%), a company indirectly owned by Oliver Cadogan (husband of company’s founder Monica Cadogan) - who announced his resignation as CEO of Vivre on August 26 - and Nagy Vajda Andras Peter, with 5% of the shares each.
(Photo source: Shutterstock)