Net investments in Romania up 8.5% in 2022

The net investments in Romania's economy amounted, during the past year, to almost RON 151 bln (EUR 30 bln), 8.5% more compared to 2021, according to data published by the statistics office INS.
"The net investments demonstrate the positive impact that the measures we have had in the real economy," commented prime minister Nicolae Ciuca, quoted by Ziarul Financiar.
"Other figures that show the success of the Romanian economy during the period of this government are the 4.8% GDP growth, the EUR 11.3 bln foreign direct investments, the 73% absorption of European funds, and the EUR 85 bln exports," the prime minister added.
The investments in productive equipment increased by 7.8% last year, while the investments in construction by 8.2%.
In the last quarter of the year alone, the volume of investments surged by 17.2% YoY to RON 54.2 bln (nearly EUR 11 bln).
Increases were recorded in other expenses (+29.5% YoY), new construction works (+15.9% YoY) and machinery (including means of transport) - plus 14.6% YoY.
(Photo source: Wanida Prapan/