Over 140,000 pilgrims venerate the relics of saints at Romanian Patriarchal Cathedral

31 October 2012

In the last week, over 140,000 people have visited the Patriarchal Cathedral in Bucharest to worship the relics of the Saints Constantin and Elena, Saint Dumitru cel Nou and Saint Nectarios of Aegina, whose relics were returned on October 30 to Greece, according to reports in the local press.

Patriarch Daniel said that many pilgrims came to worship the relics of Saint Nectarios after "the many wonders with cancer patients seen, which far exceeded the boundaries of Greece."

Parishes in Bucharest, Ilfov and Prahova offered hot meals to the pilgrims who were on the Patriarchate Hill, preparing between 6,000 and 8,000 meals a day. Also, the pilgrims were given water, tea and coffee. Tea was offered especially at night, when temperatures plummeted.

Romanian Patriarchate spokesman, Father Constantin Stoica said that this is one of the largest pilgrimages, the believers coming for the relics of Saint Nectarios, the Wonderworker of Aegina.

Ioana Toader, ioana.toader@romania-insider.co


Over 140,000 pilgrims venerate the relics of saints at Romanian Patriarchal Cathedral

31 October 2012

In the last week, over 140,000 people have visited the Patriarchal Cathedral in Bucharest to worship the relics of the Saints Constantin and Elena, Saint Dumitru cel Nou and Saint Nectarios of Aegina, whose relics were returned on October 30 to Greece, according to reports in the local press.

Patriarch Daniel said that many pilgrims came to worship the relics of Saint Nectarios after "the many wonders with cancer patients seen, which far exceeded the boundaries of Greece."

Parishes in Bucharest, Ilfov and Prahova offered hot meals to the pilgrims who were on the Patriarchate Hill, preparing between 6,000 and 8,000 meals a day. Also, the pilgrims were given water, tea and coffee. Tea was offered especially at night, when temperatures plummeted.

Romanian Patriarchate spokesman, Father Constantin Stoica said that this is one of the largest pilgrimages, the believers coming for the relics of Saint Nectarios, the Wonderworker of Aegina.

Ioana Toader, ioana.toader@romania-insider.co




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