Over 3.8 mln Romanians have electronic medical records

21 January 2015

More than 3.8 million Romanians have electronic medical records, a total of 6,200 doctors contributing to these documents, according to Mihaela Tănase, spokeswoman for the National Health Insurance Department (CNAS).

“Once the electronic medical records (DEC) are implemented, all medical data, from consultations, references, reviews, prescriptions, sheets of observations and the medical history will be gathered in the DEC, but only with the patient’s consent,” said Tanase, cited by local Mediafax.

Each Romanian, insured or not, will have such an electronic record.

Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com


Over 3.8 mln Romanians have electronic medical records

21 January 2015

More than 3.8 million Romanians have electronic medical records, a total of 6,200 doctors contributing to these documents, according to Mihaela Tănase, spokeswoman for the National Health Insurance Department (CNAS).

“Once the electronic medical records (DEC) are implemented, all medical data, from consultations, references, reviews, prescriptions, sheets of observations and the medical history will be gathered in the DEC, but only with the patient’s consent,” said Tanase, cited by local Mediafax.

Each Romanian, insured or not, will have such an electronic record.

Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com




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