Over 90% of Romanians believe ‘country project’ is needed

16 January 2015

More than nine in ten Romanians, namely 91%, agree that Romania needs a ‘country project’, over 90% of them saying that this may be a good time to launch such a project, according to an IRES study.

Over half of those agreeing with this idea say that the Romanian President should have the initiative of developing a country project, 20% think that the Prime Minister should have such an initiative, while 13% choose the civil society.

The President was mainly chosen by women respondents, those with basic education, and those living in urban areas, while the Prime Minister was preferred by respondents with secondary education, living in rural areas.

The 'country project' should be a major initiative meant to mobilize Romanians and trigger social action for the country's long-term development, as well as increase trust in democratic institutions.

Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com


Over 90% of Romanians believe ‘country project’ is needed

16 January 2015

More than nine in ten Romanians, namely 91%, agree that Romania needs a ‘country project’, over 90% of them saying that this may be a good time to launch such a project, according to an IRES study.

Over half of those agreeing with this idea say that the Romanian President should have the initiative of developing a country project, 20% think that the Prime Minister should have such an initiative, while 13% choose the civil society.

The President was mainly chosen by women respondents, those with basic education, and those living in urban areas, while the Prime Minister was preferred by respondents with secondary education, living in rural areas.

The 'country project' should be a major initiative meant to mobilize Romanians and trigger social action for the country's long-term development, as well as increase trust in democratic institutions.

Irina Popescu, irina.popescu@romania-insider.com




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